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Exit Tickets | EL Education - 15 views

    "At the end of class, students write on note cards or slips of paper an important idea they learned, a question they have, a prediction about what will come next, or a thought about the lesson for the day. Alternatively, students could turn-in such a response at the start of the next day-either based on the learning from the day before or the previous night's homework. These quick writes can be used to assess students' knowledge or to make decisions about next teaching steps or points that need clarifying. This reflection helps students to focus as they enter the classroom or solidifies learning before they leave."
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    My Smart goal is that "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." During our meetings we have noticed a significant gap in my pd. 2 in my SPED students. By using exit tickets, I can continuously gauge how well these specific students are understanding the new material of the week before getting to the formal formative assessment on Fridays. These exit tickets can be modified to include speaking and listening skills depending on where the formative reveals the greatest need is. - Margarita
    This video using exit tickets is a great resource for my classroom. My SMART goal is Given 2 months of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least two levels." Using the planning protocol I rated this a 4 in the aligned to the standards category. I could create quick exit tickets based on the story my students are reading. The students could answer the question and I could quickly assess whether they were able to comprehend and understand the story which is a part of my smart goal. Reading comprehension is an important factor when testing students' reading level. I would love to use this in my classroom.
    Smart Target Learning Goal is by the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will allow me to see where students are still needing understanding about the topic that is being taught. The dimension would be depth of knowledge with 1:recall. This is something that students need to be able to do short hand before they can recall later on.
    SMART GOAL: At least 80% of students in grade two will be reading level K books or above by the end of 6 weeks. (Julie's goal) Dimension: Alignment to Standards Impact: 2 Reason: Exit tickets are self-assessment questions prepared by teachers, often based on learning goals, that are to be completed by students. Since Julie's Smart Goal is based on measurement (80% of students), I believe that Exit Tickets will give her insight on the percentage of her students that illustrate her students reading comprehension levels. For Julie's Exit Tickets, I think that questions she pose should require answers in the form of explanations from students because I believe it would be the most effective way to help her detect the students that may require extra support. If there is not a common theme to student responses, then it may be an instruction gap that is the issue; if so, Julie would need to ensure that the curriculum/lesson plans correlate with state standards.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. My biggest problem is getting students to retain the important information that will be tested upon. Exit tickets will give me an incite to how well students are retaining the class content by creating exit tickets that are similar to exam questions at the end of a lesson where they learned the content to which the question related. This not only allows me to see if they learned the content but also will allow me to see which types of mistakes the students are making in regards to the test. From here my I will be able to modify my lessons in order to insure that my students are in line with the exam.
    Dimension: Rigor and Relevance Impact: 4 SMART Goal:Given 1 month of guided reading instruction, students in below grade-level reading groups will increase their reading level by at least one level. Exit tickets are an excellent way for the students to show their ability to comprehend the text by answering a text dependent question about the story that they have read during guided reading. This will give the teacher an insight on the level of comprehension that they student has for that level book that is being read. This is much more rigorous than just asking and answering questions because students are applying the knowledge of the story into the writing that they are doing about the book.
    Hi Elijah! I think the issue is sometimes students do have difficulty retaining the information. I think that the exit tickets will also give you insight into a few different dimensions from the protocol worksheet as well. My SMART goal is by the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. So I think looking at the exit tickets based on the dimensions you should look into student engagement. Since this is important when it comes to exit tickets. If students are not engaged during the lesson then the exit tickets is pretty much showing that the students retained nothing. I think that teachers should always shoot for a 3 or 4 based on the protocol. That way students retention of the information is greater therefore, exit tickets are hopefully higher.
    Video: Exit Tickets Dimension Teacher Friendliness: Score: 3 I rate this strategy as a 3 in terms of teacher friendliness (3 = "low maintenance few materials and/or little prep work). With exit tickets, teachers can ask students to answer simple questions regarding the day's lesson in order to get a sense of students' understanding. This strategy involves little work to prepare for but provides a lot of insight into how to guide future instruction. There may be topics that many students misunderstood or areas that individual students need support in. The SMART goal I considered while watching this video is raising scores in AP Bio for select students who have not taken AP or advanced classes science classes before. I think exit tickets are a low maintenance way to guage which specific areas to focus on for these students.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rating: 3- Medium-high impact SMART Goal: By the end of the marking, 80% or higher of students will score a 90% or higher on a base ten assessment. Exit tickets are a useful way to help both students and teachers recognize individual student mastery of a topic or skill. Since exit tickets informally assess student learning from that class period, there would be no impact on student learning as students are completing the task. However, teachers can use the information gathered from exit tickets to inform their instruction for the next days instruction. For instance, my groupmate could assign an exit card with 2-3 problems related to that day's lesson. After students complete the exit tickets, the teacher could evaluate to see who struggled and with what particular strategy. The teacher could then use that information to form small groups and provide re-teaching/alternate instruction as necessary. This ultimately will help students receive more personalized instruction thus enhancing impact on learning.
    I agree that exit tickets are a useful way to evaluate mastery of a concept; however, I do feel they have an impact on student learning as they're completing the task. As students complete an exit card, it requires thought and skill to demonstrate your understanding. Sometimes students make mistakes on exit cards, which helps students learn and grow. This strategy would be helpful as I implement my plan to reach my SMART goal. My SMART goal is "by the end of Marking Period 3, ELL students identified will be able to explain how to solve for an unknown number in an equation with at least 80% accuracy ." Exit card would be extremely helpful in the process of determining necessary supports and areas of need as I complete my action plan. On the planning protocol rubric, I would rate this a four in the dimension of alignment to standards. Exit cards are directly related to what you have taught from the curriculum and therefore align with the standards. This is a great way to evaluate students quickly and frequently on the standards.
    Dimension: Depth of Knowledge Rating: 3 - strategic reasoning SMART goal: Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period. I believe that my team would be able to use this instructional tactic because we could use the exit card to see if students meet the SMART goal. I think that exit cards are a powerful tool for teachers to use because it shows instant data of student performance. It is a quick and informal way to see if students understand the concept or not. This video provides a unique way to students to use/take an exit card in the classroom. We could take ideas from this video and apply to it our own classroom.
    I like the fact that students assess themselves (based on the learning target). They also give feedback to one another. In this model teachers can adjust instruction based on how students feel they reached learning targets. I am wondering, though, whether or not young students have enough self-realization to understand how they performed during a given lesson. If we're asking them to rate themselves, we have to hope that they understand how important this is, and what it really means. How does this video address dimensions in the 'Planning Protocol Rubric?' Since most of the dimensions were addressed (in other comments here), I'll comment on this video's ways of addressing 'Technology Integration.' No technology integration seen (though it's certainly possible that it may have occurred during the lesson and before this video was taken). Technology Integration level (based on the available video): 1. My SMART Learning Goal: "After three weeks of targeted instruction--and in concert with the content-area teacher--75% or more of our students will score at least one point higher on their ESOL RELA and ESOL math assessments. (The ESOL RELA [WIDA Access] pre-test was given approximately one month ago, while the baseline math pre-test was developed by our school's math department [and contains test stems from past PARCC exams].)" The 'exit ticket' approach can be used in any classroom, but with ESOL learners it might be more difficult to ascertain whether or not they have understood the question/s on the exit ticket sheet. And again, do they have the skills, understanding and self-realization necessary to rate themselves on how they do in a given classroom on a daily basis?

Helping All Learners: Tiering | EL Education - 14 views

    A useful module that explains how tiering can provide help learners learn better and has videos of examples. This can help improve Smart Goals for improvement in assessments, and homework and classroom performance.
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    My groups (Group 4, ETDC615) SMART learning goal is "Given 1 month of supplemental biology instruction, students who are currently in AP Biology but took lower level Biology 1, will score at least a 3 on their next unit exam." This EL Education video focuses on using a tiering system of differentiation to make all the content available for all students to learn. Looking at this lesson in terms of impact on learning, it has a potential to have a high impact on student learning. By differentiated the material to different tiers based on students current skills the students are more likely to be successful, because the material will be the right level of engaging/challenging for each student. This lesson method could be used for my groups SMART goal, because I could do a better job to differentiate the material to make up for the learning gaps that students that came from low level biology one have.
    Tiering a lesson is the act of differentiating content to create learning opportunities for all students and allow for the accessibility of content to all students. The learning goal for my group is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. Because many of my students struggle with extracting information from word problems, which in turn leads them to an incorrect solution, I believe that tiering would help students access problem-solving strategies in a way that is most helpful to them. While there is an emphasis on showing multiple strategies, it may help students to tier the content in a way that makes sense for the student. Having students circle all important numbers only helps if a student understands why those numbers are important. Tiering may be the way to help bring that understanding to them. Tiering is best evaluated using the impact on learning dimension because differentiation does have a high impact on learning. Allowing students better access to content in a way in which they understand, and puts them in control will impact their learning for years to come.
    This is a great article for our start goal because it discusses how to help all learners and improve assessments which will help those students in need.
    This video about differentiation in teaching provides the dimension of a high impact on learning. The ideal is to provide equivalent learning activities that cater to the students' strengths but bring all of the students to the same learning objective. On one end of the spectrum is the one-size-fits-all learning activity, while on the other end is the completely individualized learning plan for each student. Catering to different students learning styles can help achieve the SMART goal of : By the end of the month, give practice tests the day before exams with at least 75% scoring at least 75%.
    I enjoyed the video on Tiering. Our teams' SMART goal is, "Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period." I think an important concept to note, is that this activity has a high Impact on Learning because it differentiates for the particular needs of each student. This process also encourages Student Engagement, which allows for the students to work comfortably in a peer environment. By having more time to plan differentiated work to meet simultaneous goals between students, the teacher is also scaffolding. The teacher is giving support to students who need it and to also challenge those students to maintain interest or to continue the work of those who have mastered a specific skill but may need more advanced strategies to continue the upward curve of learning. EDTC 615 Fall2018
    With the video, the topic of towering the lesson is shown. With my SMART goal focusing on the 11th graders in my health education classes, it I'm important for me to address all the educational needs of my students. Currently, I use DI in my classes and I found a piece of information from the video that can I can begin to implement. The teacher had her students raise their hand with chosen number of fingers in the air. The number represents the level that each student feels they are on in regards to understanding the topic. While the exact way this strategy is used is not something I think will be effective with my high school students, the number system is. I can have my students write and post their perceived number and explain why they chose that number. Then, I can see the comfortability each student has with the topic. THey would have to apply extended reasoning which is a respresentation of depth of knowledge from the planning protocol rubric. EDTC Fall2018 EL

Resource area for teaching - 6 views

    With all the areas that children are taught in school, the author feels that while trying work at the achievement gap we should look at the engagement gap. The eagerness that children have a young age needs to be maintained. Hands-on learning should be implemented into the lesson.
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    This article hits the nail on the head! At my school we are redesigning our language program to a more student-centered, hands-on instructional approach. I think it is very important to change up the old ways of teaching and find new ways that really engage students. This year, I took out all the desks in my room. Taking down that physical barrier has helped to improve student engagement. We sit or stand in a circle and students are much more motivated! Including games and activities that connect to students' interest is also important.
    This is a great article focusing on engagement in the classroom! It discusses the necessity of hands on learning to maintain students interest. This is important for students of all academic levels. Hands on learning not only engages students because they are "doing", they also are developing critical thinking skills. As a special education teacher, I know that in order to assist my students in learning, I need to keep their attention and provide them with interesting, hands on learning.
    I love this article! I have always been a strong believer in hands on learning and I love that they call it an engagement gap! Students get bored when a teacher gets up and lectures them all day. They need to be engaged! The activities need to be purposeful and have a specific meaning but a teacher can make just about any topic engaging just by getting the kids moving and interacting. I 100% agree that students retain information longer when they are engaged and enjoying what they are learning.

Interactive Word Wall | EL Education - 12 views

    "A word wall in the classroom is a powerful instructional tool to strengthen content vocabulary or concepts. A word wall can be an organized collection of words (and sometimes phrases) displayed on a wall or other space in the classroom."
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    My smart goal is "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." By creating an interactive word wall using my spare whiteboard, I can post key questions and sentence starters continuously as we learn them during the week to support students during speaking and listening practice. Students who need additional accommodations with graphic organizers can refer to the word wall during speaking practice to increase their understanding and ability to participate.
    My SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 70% of students will score a 90% or higher on the EMATS/performance matters test." This will allow students to move the words around on the wall/ board into different concepts or topics. This will help them categorize the words and review what they learned based on the topic.
    My SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1. The rigor and relevance protocol directly connected to this video because the students did most of the thinking in this activity. I believe that this interactive word wall is a wonderful use of time in the classroom and allows students to share the connections they have made with the content. Most often, I find, that some students have made strong connections to prior knowledge while other students, struggle to see how a single concept can fit into the big picture. I love the idea of using a interactive word wall to help students build a deeper understanding of the content. I also believe that all members of my group could use this resource in the classroom. In particular, I believe that Eli could use this strategy with his AP students to help them understand and connect the readings which they complete at home to concepts they cover in class. I am looking forward to using this in my Tutorial class to help students in across all subjects. This upcoming week, I will work with at least 2 students to build a concept map using an "interactive word wall" that covers words in their math content class.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rate: 4 My SMART Target Learning Goal is that 80 % of my Pre-kindergarten class will master their reading foundation skills by the 3rd trimester. Using an interactive word wall is a great idea to have students see the cause and effect relationship. The students will be able to see connections. This will allow them to scaffold the words in order to bring the vocabulary words to life. Once they can bring the words to life their writing will improve. The students essentially build upon each other ideas. For my students they are still learning to read. Therefore, I could use an interactive words wall with the words and pictures. This would help my students learn the words. I believe that this video has a high impact on learning that is why I gave it a four. The students will be able to share what they have learned about the content. EDTC 615 Spring 2018 Week 5
    Dimension: Alighment to Standards Rate: 5 Group Members SMART Goal: By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1. The word wall by design has to align with standereds. The whole idea behind using a word wall would be to enforce and teach students content specific vocabulary that created deeper understanding for students. My group memeber's students tend to struggle with remembering specific vocabulary, which leads to low standerdized test scores especially in work problems. A word wall is a good way to ensure students are comfortable with the content specific vocabulary.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rate: 4 SMART Target Learning Goal: By the end of the third quarter, 80% of first grade students will score 16-20 points (80%-100%) on the next Unit Test which covers all reading skills. The interactive word wall is very engaging for students because it forces students to use words that they have learned in class and make connections between the vocabulary words through explaining their reasoning. This activity is very hands-on and is also a great visual because the students are seeing how vocabulary words can connect and relate with one another. Also, students are collaborating and building upon each other's ideas which can also be very engaging.
    Dimension: Rigor and Relevance Rate: 4 This word wall engages the students, and they are the ones doing the thinking and work to make connections between the concepts. The teacher does some work to prepare the words, but the students are the ones engaging with the material. This protocol could be used for our AP biology students to make and reinforce connections between the science vocab and topics being covered.
    Dimension: Impact on Learning Rate: 4 (High-impact) Smart Goal: By the middle of the fourth trimester, 80% of 3rd grade students will increase at least 40% on STAR reading and math. Implementing an interactive word wall in your classroom is a great way to keep students engaged in their learning. An interactive word wall can have a high-impact on students learning. Students can refer to the word wall when completing a lesson to help remember what the word means. When students continuously refer back to a word, they are more likely to remember the word when taking a state assessment. An interactive word wall is a great way to help students increase in their STAR data in reading and in math. I have an interactive word wall in my class for students to use or refer to when working on practice assessments or completing assignments. I believe my team would benefit from having an interactive word wall in their classroom. All students can use an interactive word to help remember words they may not use on a daily basis. EDTC 615
    EDTC615 FALL2018 GROUP1 Watching this video gave me a great idea for one of my group members Spencer who teaches ESOL students who struggle with verbal/conversational skills and written/language skills. Spencer's SMART Goal is 75% of the 24 students with a C or lower to have a B (80%) or higher in my class, by the end of the 1st quarter. This tool is great for student engagement and impact on learning. With this strategy students can build vocabulary skills by word connections and possible interactions with one another to help strengthen each others vocabulary skills often times with the teacher being the facilitator of instruction not the lead in the instruction.
    Watching this video gave me a great idea for one of my group members Spencer who teaches ESOL students who struggle with verbal/conversational skills and written/language skills. Spencer's SMART Goal is 75% of the 24 students with a C or lower to have a B (80%) or higher in my class, by the end of the 1st quarter. With this strategy students can build vocabulary skills by word connections and possible interactions with one another to help strengthen each others vocabulary skills often times with the teacher being the facilitator of instruction not the lead in the instruction.
    Watching this video gave me ideas on supporting my students. Word Walls are important supports for students in the classroom. They help students solidify their thinking process and content knowledge. Students in this video did the thinking required. This is also important as students tend to rely on teacher lead information. Our SMART goal is that 75% of students will increase their informational text reading comprehension by one grade level. The word wall in this video is a great strategy to make connections with my students.

Strategies to Level Up Learning - 20 views

    Week 8: In our Data Action meeting we discussed intructional strategies involving simulation and games. This article explain some advantages and fears for educators implementing games into their lesson plans. Matthew Farber Social Studies Teacher, Ed Tech Leadership EdD Candidate, Author In the fall of 2014, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop (a nonprofit founded by Sesame Street creator Joan Ganz Cooney) assessed the impact of the gaming in school settings.
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    I have not had much experience with gaming in the classroom, but I have seen other teachers use it and have much success when it comes to motivating students and bridging the learning gap. One interesting point the article mentions is the the "platform" model strategy. In this, students have one log in, and are able to access a variety of games which can be reported t to the teacher as a formative assessment. Teachers are also able to log in and track students progress.
    I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities. Interest in using games in the classroom continues to grow, as evidenced by the recent Library of Congress grants to build civics applications for classrooms. The full report mentioned in this article is linked within, and worthwhile reading. The learning gaps that we see in our team's data could possibly be addressed using digital games from iCivics, Shephard Software, and other sources.
    I agree 100% with Andrea's quote "I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities." I only have to think back to this morning in my 2nd period where this worked with one of 8th grade students in special education who has a severe visual disability. In fact I even have the link to the game I use in that class all the time. I encourage everyone to set up a free account: !!!! Kahoot was introduced to me in my Electives Professional Development. More than one of the teachers has issues with incorporating technology into their health classroom. I agree with this article when they write "Additional teacher training, as well as creating a common language between educators and developers, was recommended."
    I am a little familiar with a few digital games. In my classroom, I use to assist my students in learning their vocabulary. I use this website to make a classroom game that we all play together. Everyone can participate at the same time, competing for first place in points. I can create the questions on my smart-board, and the students can play on another computer or they can download the app on their phones. This makes our lessons more interactive, and the students get more involved and enjoy the class more.
    Just like the article suggests, I use games to help students review or understand a lesson. A great one that was mentioned, and that I use is iCivics. Since Government is tested in my county, we have to make sure that our students fully understand the purpose, how the government works, and why it was created. When it comes to making sure the students are comprehending the information I will use iCivics,, and a Jeopardy game I find online. It promotes students to take learning and their education into their own hands. I think the games don't have to be created by us or super complex, as long as you find one that relate to your content and engages students.
    I love the idea of using these types of games to keep students engaged. At my son's school, he often has online math games given for homework. He loves IXL and it keeps him motivated to practice skills and learn new ones. In my 6th grade Spanish class we are exploring Students can play vocabulary building games while I work one-on-one with students. It is a great way to keep kids engaged while doing assessments, too.
    Initially, I was very hesitant to buy into learning through online games. I know that children today spend so much time in front of screens, and I didn't want to contribute to this obsession (for some children it does border on that). I did see that BrainPop, a site which I use frequently, introduced GameUp and Spotify. I figured if BrainPop was okay with gaming for learning, then I had to give it a try. Well, my students will now beg for BrainPop and will do evey activity, quiz and graphic organizer associated with a lesson in order to get to sortify. What a great tool. I am now a firm believer.
    I too see the benefits of using these online games within instruction. The games provide students with a means of engagement that we often struggle to provide students. With the growth of technology, students are becoming more in-tune with new technology and are using it more often at home. By connecting technology to instruction, we are able to meet them in the middle. There are so many tools available online that it's a shame not to use them!

Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn | MindShift - 2 views

    This KQED blog post provides information on current and past research that indicates how important movement and the use of our bodies are to learning. This research is called "embodied learning". The discussion on highly decorated classrooms is worth further exploration. This would be another great article for a text-based discussion in a PLC. The math and physics examples can be adapted for other content areas for use as instructional strategies.
    (Week 9: Benjamin, Cheney, and Gretchen) This article is accessible through the link provided above. The main focus of this article is to inform educators of the positive effects movement can have on student learning. This article provides a series of studies where students were presented with different problems, mostly math, and encouraged to represent the problems with movement. Students who used physical movement to represent and solve mathematical problems demonstrated higher levels of success than their age-related peers who simply solved by reading a problem to themselves or aloud. This article is useful for all members of my team as it suggests methods for adapting physical movement to all content areas. Within this article it is suggested ""When students use their bodies in the learning process, it can have a big effect, even if it seems silly or unconnected to the learning goal at hand" (Schwartz, 2015). I think most teachers can find reassurance from this research-based article knowing that the implementation of movement doesn't have to fit directly with curriculum unit. The teachers within my specific team can use the practice of movement as an alternative method for instructing desired skills such as decoding strategies for reading or identifying/constructing numbers in base ten. Reference Schwartz, K. (2015, March 26). Why kids need to move, touch, and experience to learn. Retrieved from

Jigsaw | EL Education Empowering Teachers, Inspiring Students | EL Education - 17 views

    "In a jigsaw protocol small groups of students become experts in one section or text and hear oral summaries of the others. The protocol allows students to synthesize across texts and gain new understandings from their classmates about the topic as a whole."
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    Jigsaws are a great way to make sure that everyone does their share of the research. This allows students to really focus on one reading and gain as much information as they can. Then they have time to share what they found with others, while others share information about the topic that they read/researched about.
    Smart Target Learning Goal: By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment. Deciphering vocabulary is an important part of my AP Government curriculum. It is something that my students have had trouble with as it is many of their first AP class. Using a jigsaw for difficult readings would allow me to give my students a way to check their comprehension by working with a small group to complete readings. It would also build students confidence as they would go back to their groups to teach their classmates about their specific reading. This gives them a chance to show off and show their peers that they know the vocabulary.
    Implementing the Jigsaw would be a great method to incorporate to help bridge the learning gap for students that took lower level Biology 1. The heavy use collaboration between students of varying skill or knowledge levels would be beneficial. I also think that since the lesson is broken up into small sections for each to examine and then discuss their findings students of all skill levels gain a better and unique understanding or the material. The students that need to improve their AP Biology knowledge will have the support of the students with a stronger grasp of the material within their small group learning environment.
    Group 5 EDTC 615 Fall 2018 SMART Target Learning Goal: "Students will be able to solve an on level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the first marking period." The Jigsaw Protocol: The Jigsaw Protocol is a great tool for promoting Depth of Knowledge by using "Extended reasoning" concepts within Elementary classrooms. Although this video targeted more reading skills, the concepts of research, extended thinking, and recall can all be used to further discuss math equations, math formulas and math projects. Students who are struggling to comprehend, demonstrate or explain mathematical concepts can strengthen their skills by conversing with peers about the written portion of the math work, where the student is asked to "explain" their thinking. #EDTC615 #Fall2018
    EDTC615 FALL2018 My SMART goal is after one marking period of examining musical examples, 90% of students will be able to recognize musical notes and form. This protocol is going to have a high impact on the student learning because the students are able to discuss and dive deeper into their reading. I can apply this to my music class by handing students a piece of music and having them look for the form of the song and the musical notes. They then pair up with someone with the same song and go over the notes a form together.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Rating: 4 - High engagement for most students I particularly enjoyed this strategy presented by fifth-grade teacher Jennifer Dauphinais. The highlights for me were the students engagement from the very beginning in stating the 'Learning Goal.' It's one thing for the teacher to know what the end-goal is, but it strengthens the activity when the student understands the "why." Having students become "experts" in their reading to then discuss details and main ideas in groups is a great recipe for reading comprehension. The students have the ability to hear different perspectives and everyone has a voice. I really enjoyed this. Author Daniel Venables challenges educators in his book, How Teachers Can Turn Data into an Action Plan to "do something different in the classroom" if one approach doesn't materialize student-learning (pp. 60). My gropu's SMART Target Learning Goal is for 75% of students will improve their informational text comprehension by 1 grade level. Dauphinais' 'Jigsaw' method is a fresh approach to literature instruction and could be a great tool for us to get the students to reach this goal. #EDTC615 #Spring2018

Adapting Curriculum to Learners' Needs | EL Education - 11 views

    My SMART Goal: "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." - This resource video on adapting curriculum to learners' needs could assist in differentiation the strategies and activities done in class for students with varying special needs to close their achievement gap since they are not currently receiving many of their needed accommodations.
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    The SMART Goal I will be using: "By the end of the four week close reading intervention, 80% of students will be able to demonstrate improvement in their writing ability by composing a paragraph with less then 5 grammatical, spelling, and structural errors. Students will meet with the teacher three times a week for a 30 min session". Planning Protocol: I would evaluate this video as a Rigor and Relevance of 4 as each student has an opportunity to engage with the content through differentiated activities suited to their individual learning needs. I feel this particular video was very useful in demonstrating various strategies for differentiating the lesson content to make it accessible to learners of various levels of proficiency. These methods could be extremely helpful in differentiating the content of my SMART Goal to ensure that every student has a opportunity to improve their writing skills according their level of skill.
    Planning Protocol: Impact on Learning would be a good reflection on this video because the instructor is differentiating the lesson based on the data she has to make sure each student has some type of impact on his or hers learning. I think differentiating the lesson will have a huge impact on each students learning. The SMART Goal that I will be using is "Students will be able to solve an on-grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period." I think this video will be a great instructional tactic because the lesson is differentiated based on the student. With the data the instructor has, the student will be able to receive more help that will help them respond and defend their work on grade level. With students that need more help with sentences.... a sentence starter can be used to help support them.
    From the Planning Protocol Rubric I choose to relate this video to the dimension "Rigor and Relevance": At the Highest level-Students think and work. All students in this video are being challenged in very different ways this leading them to think and work independently and collaboratively. This teacher does a phenomenal job at differentiating her material on all levels. All students are doing the same work on the reading assignment however the avenue in which they give there response are different. She is able to give each student the support they need ahead of time so that students don't feel singled out. By doing this the students often feel empowered to be able to complete the assignment because they know the supports they need will be available to them. This also allows the teacher to go directly to the students who need extra support because the higher students have the challenges they need as well to not become board with the lesson. The SMART Goal I am focusing on this is one of my team members "After three weeks of targeted instruction, students will increase their pre-assessment scores by 3 or more points, or 75 percent or higher on the post-assessment" Our team could defiantly translate the instructional tactic used in this video to the above SMART goal. The teacher in the video is targeting specific learning goals in her instruction by reaching students at their specific needs and helping guide them all in the same direction teaching the same topic just in different ways. The above SMART goal is all about targeting instruction for the PARCC assessment to improve students scores. All students will have to take the same assessment however the supports they need along the way will be different.
    This video had some great ideas especially about differentiation that could be used for me to achieve my SMART goal of 100% pass rate for standardized English Language tests amount a targeted group. The teacher's method of pre-arranged assignments to prevent students from feeling singled out is very clever, and especially important for students in that age group. I could see myself adapting these strategies for use in many different classes. From the dimension of 'teacher friendliness' I do think these tactics are not necessarily teacher friendly, but they sure seem to be worth it if it means positive student outcomes.
    EDTC615 Fall2018 Group 6 Dimension: Teacher Friendliness My SMART target goal is the percentage of students who will score 90% will increase by 80%. This means that 80% of the students will score 90%. The instructional tactic I will use from this video is teacher friendliness. In the video, the teacher displays high level of support, and maintenance with the students. She showed how she provided materials to the students and go over the materials in the class. She also does some great prep work as well. She was seen going around the students table to provide supported as needed. This is very relevant tactic that can be used by my team. The data we both presented covers teaching Microsoft suite-excel, access, word and powerpoint. The instructional style boarders greatly on simulation training, grader activities, grader projects and hands-on practice. In this regard, it is important for the instructor to provide high maintenance and support the students as needed. For instance, during simulation training, the instructor needs to go around the class to assist individual student as needed. The instructor should also provide students will relevant materials and resources to help them achieve success. For instance, in meeting this goal, during our review, we realized that we should teach the topics using 2016 applications as against 2013 applications. This guide of quest was born out of our desire to promote students friendly learning environment. EDTC615 Fall2018

Technology can close achievement gaps, improve learning | Stanford Graduate School of E... - 5 views

  • It also underscores that replacing teachers with technology is not a successful formula. Instead, strong gains in achievement occur by pairing technology with classroom teachers who provide real-time support and encouragement to underserved students.”
  • interactive learning, use of technology to explore and create rather than to “drill and kill,” and the right blend of teachers and technology.
  • applications of technology in low-income schools typically involves a “drill and kill” approach in which computers take over for teachers and students are presented with information they are expected to memorize and are then tested on with multiple-choice questions. In more affluent schools, however, students tend to be immersed in more interactive environments in which material is customized based on students’ learning needs and teachers supplement instruction with technology to explain concepts, coordinate student discussion, and stimulate high-level thinking.
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    • sirantoinne
      This article informed readers how learning gaps can become extinct with the impact of technology. In the article the author provides some tips on how tech can close the gap. It also implies that good instruction produces informed learners.
    This article looks at the importance of technology use in the classrooms in the 21st century and how this technology can be used to help close learning gaps. It specifically looks at students who are "at-risk". This article addresses great points but also cautions that in order for technology to be effective, it needs to be accompanied by professional development.
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    I enjoyed reading this article discuss how technology can be used to close achievement gaps, and improve learning in the classroom. I liked how the article listed recommendations for educators to use technology for risk high school youth. I think middle and elementary school educators can also find this article helpful with the mention of blended learning, which I use in my classroom as an elementary school classroom teacher.
    This article highlights a report completed by the Alliance for Excellent Education and the Staford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education in 2014. The article notes that students can make significant increases in learning and engagement through the use of technology. However, students from poor socio economic backgrounds may not have the same instruction or access to technology as those from more affluent neighborhoods. The auther then presents a list of solutions.
    I like that this article encourages a blended learning approach with technology. I think that tech is a powerful tool that needs to be paired with hands on activities for the early learners.

Learning Models | Differentiated Instruction Strategies - 3 views

    Week 8- Article posted by Concordia Online Education in Teaching Strategies and shares 4 effective learning models (hands-on learning, collaborative projects, experiential learning, and direct instruction) that educators can use when engaging their students. Not only does the article define what these 4 models are and why they are important, it also provides examples of how these 4 models have been used in the classroom.

EL Education: Policing in America: Using Powerful Topics and Tasks to Challenge, Engage... - 1 views

    Student Engagement The video is appropriate for grade 9-12 and it covers social studies literacy. Moreover, the video provides strategies that educators can employ to challenge, engage and empower students. This is done by introducing students to topics that affect them every day. This is a good instructional tactics that can be employed by my team. During our review, we realized the important of student's engagement and team work to learning and understating the topics in the assessment data that we reviewed. Having students work in groups and on projects goes a long way to improve collaboration, team building and learning among students. In addition, students were given complex topics to explore and they were introduced to research paper. Educators can use the protocol to determine the level of engagements, design innovative curriculum and instructions, and increase students strategic reasoning skills. For instance, educator may use some assessment tool like quizlet live to build collaborative learning and engagement among students. Student can become innovative through learning from the real-world related concepts or hands-on activities. The protocol can serve as blue print in this regard.

Examination of Article: "Why Do Americans Stink at Math? By Elizabeth Green - 1 views

    (Week 7: Jeremy, Kelly, Patience and Sherita) This article is originally a Diigo share from 2015. This journal article is accessible in the link given above. This journal article discusses how here in America, there is a pervasive fear surrounding teaching and learning math. The author suggests that the American public suffers from innumeracy. Through discussing the article, the group agrees that many countries have mastered the use of American mathematical principles. The article discussed that by utilizing and engaging in clear mathematical methods of learning for students and by creating valuable conversations, making the learning process more viable, the students consequently, learn. "Instead of having students memorize and then practice endless lists of equations - which Takahashi remembered from his own days in school - Matsuyama taught his college students to encourage passionate discussions among children so they would come to uncover math's procedures, properties and proofs for themselves. One day, for example, the young students would derive the formula for finding the area of a rectangle; the next, they would use what they learned to do the same for parallelograms. Taught this new way, math itself seemed transformed. It was not dull misery but challenging, stimulating and even fun." (Green, 2014) Teachers can use this article to further their instructional practices by utilizing math in a real world format, in a conversational and hands on applicable manner, making learning math fun and interesting for their students. In some instances, math classes may be seen as boring and monotonous tools that serve to be an overtly unloved subject area here in America. The simple truth, is that many teachers love to learn and teach math here in America, and there is a realization for teachers, that all nations compete mathematically. In technology, industry, trade, consumerism and capitalism, numbers and mathematical data maintain a lot of the privile

Library | EL Education - 20 views

    Videos: EL Education provides a variety of educational resources for teachers across the world. This bookmarked section includes videos of teachers and students engaged in a variety of strategies for learning. One or more of these videos could be helpful as a strategy to include in your data action plan.
    A great educational site with video and resources for teacher to help enhance teaching and learning across difference disciplines.
    EDTC615 Fall2018 Group 6 Dimension: Student Engagement. The video EL Education- Policing in America: Using Powerful Topics and Tasks to Challenge, Engage, and Empower Students. Student Engagement. My SMART Learning goal is that "The percentage of students who will score 90% will increase by 80%. This means that 80% of the students will score 90%.". The dimension is Student Engagement. The video is appropriate for grade 9-12 and it covers social studies literacy. Moreover, the video provides strategies that educators can employ to challenge, engage and empower students. This is done by introducing students to topics that affect them every day. This is a good instructional tactics that can be employed by my team. During our review, we realized the important of student's engagement and team work to learning and understating the topics in the assessment data that we reviewed. Having students work in groups and on projects goes a long way to improve collaboration, team building and learning among students. In addition, students were given complex topics to explore and they were introduced to research paper. Educators can use the protocol to determine the level of engagements, design innovative curriculum and instructions, and increase students strategic reasoning skills. For instance, we may use some assessment tool like quizlet live to build collaborative learning and engagement among students. Student can become innovative through learning from the real-world related concepts or hands-on activities. The protocol can serve as blue print in this regard. EDTC615 Fall2018

Back to school: How parent involvement affects student achievement (full report) - 7 views

    Good article on how involving parents in the school community can lead to better student achievement and attendence.
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    This is more pertinent to Group 6's EQ but relevant for all teachers.
    I agree with you, Katherine. I think that this article typifies the heart of our EQ in that enumerates important statistical macrodata concerning parental involvement in overall student achievement. A nice find, indeed.
    The report provides plenty of research results to support the more parental involvement in schools, and specifies which types of parental involvement yield the greatest academic improvements: programs and interventions to increase family engagement in homework, targeted programs on parenting practices regarding attendance, and regular school communication with parents such as orientations and newsletters. This quote from the Conclusion summarizes the research well: "While all forms of parent involvement play significant roles in the health of the school and the community, home learning activities are perhaps the wisest investment of school dollars and effort to produce long-lasting academic gains. While such involvement is fairly straightforward in elementary school, it's also possible later on. At the middle and high school level, school activities that promote the parent's role in maintaining high expectations for their children benefit students."
    "Parent involvement can make a difference in a child's education." I know this is true in my school. I know for a fact that my students who have parents that are involved do better academically. This does not mean that the parent necessarily has to have a high level of education. I have had students really succeed because their parents check their agenda and homework each night when they come home. Sometimes, just knowing or having a parent that cares and that is there to push you is enough.
    I agree wholeheartedly with the quote that states "Parent involvement can make a difference in a child's education." Once I read this line, I was intrigued with the rest of the article. I am a very driven individual when it comes to education, and I want that for my son as well. My wife and I are constantly coaching our son on the importance of education, and making sure that he completes his work on time and correctly. I have seen first hand in my two years of teaching what parent involvement can do for a students school work. I have seen students whose parents are actively involved in their school careers, and the students performed on a much higher level than those of students whose parents did not seem to be involved.

Science Achievement for All: Improving Science Performance and Closing Achievement Gaps - 1 views

    This article presents a Texas district's plan on closing the science instructional gap in ethnically diverse students in 2 low socioeconomic elementary schools. Teachers set up a multisensory interactive word walls to teach vocabulary, and designed inquiry science lessons that were aligned with standards and the Texas school district's curriculum framework and pacing guides for science instruction. Purposeful planning gave teachers a chance to become familiar with the progression of instructional goals, and provided time to create activities that fit within the framework and that addressed essential vocabulary. The inquiry science lessons incorporated 5-E: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaboate, and Evaluate, where Engagement is meant to activate prior knowledge, Exploration is hands on inquiry, Explanation involves teacher-guided questions, Elaboration gives students the chance to "solidify" understandin, and Evaluation involves formative and summative assessments. Vocabulary development was achieved with the use of word walls and visuals, sometimes provided by the student to develop familiarity and fluency. Studies showed significant improvement in student achievement. Students reported recognizing science concepts in everyday life, a good sign of true learning. It even benefited the teachers, who reported having "refined" and strengthened science knowledge and teaching strategies as a result of professional development. A balance of focused district standards and teacher-designed interactive lessons using effective research based strategies, seems to have a powerful effect on closing learning and instructional gaps.

5 Key Findings for Middle Grades from "Looking Forward to High School and College" - 3 views

    Students' middle grade attendance is a strong indicator of future high school performance. As such, middle teachers can use such attendance info to identify students who may tend to struggle in high school, and give those students needed support in advance of ninth grade. I have not been able to implement the strategies mentioned (its Summertime!) but I intend to try some this Fall with the 10 or 15 students that I know will be attendance issues in my 8th grade classes.
    Like you mentioned, I already know a handful of students going into 8th grade (I teach 6th-8th grade computer technology as a creative arts course) that will be attendance, behavior, and/or low GPA's. I feel like while our schools try to support student learning, we too often push kids through from one grade to the next. I have students this past year who in the semester every other day that I instruct them (45 classes in all), they have missed more than half and yet they promote to the next grade. Each of the five areas highlighted raise good points and I actually find some of the statistics very alarming considering the small differences in percentages. For example, Figure 3 on page 8 depicts two identical students with exact achievement marks in 5th grade. By the time they reach 8th grade, one students attendance improves 2% and the other students attendance drops 4% to a 93% avg. attendance rate. While this doesn't sound like a terrible drop (at least to me), the possibility of these students being on track for 9th grade went from 93% for the student who improved attendance compared to 66% of this student being on track for 9th grade whose attendance dropped just a few percentage points. I think more needs to be done at the school level to improve performance and setup interventions that help our students succeed rather than worrying about the multiple standardized tests that students are required to complete throughout the year. Thank you for sharing! I'm definitely reading over this again as I prepare for the upcoming school year with my middle school students and may even share it with my staff.

Improving Basic Math Skills - 0 views

started by proman11 on 20 Nov 18 no follow-up yet

Explore Biology | Labs | Biology Teaching & Learning Resources - 1 views

    Biology Zone: This website provides labs for almost every unit of biology. It is an excellent resource for teachers to find hands on activities for students. There are also many assignments where the students can create their own experiments.
    Bio zone has been a great site for me as well. It is helpful when you are choosing you budget items for labs!
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